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Watch the Video: Our Lighting Must Knows

Late last year, About Space took part in the Super Design Festival, a coming together of Australia’s best and brightest designers and design lovers.

The festival, for members of the architecture, building, construction and design industries, was a fantastic and fun way to get together with others in our field to share ideas and inspiration. 

Like most events in 2020, the immersive and interactive festival, which included seminars, workshops and interviews, took on a slightly new format, blending digital experiences and in-person (covid-safe) events.

In this instalment our very own Senior Lighting Design Consultant, Jodie Meier, chats about five of our lighting must knows. Jodie talks through the three different forms of light, recommended lux levels, the colour rendering index, colour temperatures and light intensity. 

Watch the video below:

Over the coming months, we’ll be bringing you some more About Space highlights from Super Design, so watch this space for more videos!

Feeling inspired?

Why not take Jodie’s advice and explore About Space’s wide range of lights?

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