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Honiette's Journey with About Space: Balancing Work and Motherhood in a Virtual World

In the bustling world of About Space, Honiette stands as a testament to About Space’s commitment to fostering a diverse and supportive work environment. As a full-time procurement officer, she shares her unique journey of re-entering the workforce after four years of being a dedicated full-time Mum.

Honiette's journey with About Space unfolded when a former colleague presented her with the opportunity to embrace the challenge of working as a full-time procurement officer in the back office. The offer came at a pivotal moment in her life when she was grappling with the decision to return to work while ensuring her daughter's smooth transition to school. The prospect of navigating a virtual work environment for the first time added another layer of complexity. However, with determination and resilience, she embraced the challenge, successfully striking a balance between her professional responsibilities and her role as a Mum.

Her role as a procurement officer demands the application of her skills and knowledge acquired from previous experiences. Adapting to working with diverse suppliers and collaborating with various teams, including sales and projects has become integral to her role at About Space.

What drew Honiette to About Space and kept her committed to the company was the supportive atmosphere and the ideal work schedule that perfectly aligned with her family's needs. The opportunity to spend quality time with her family while working full-time was a rare find, and it solidified her decision to stay with About Space.

Challenges inevitably arose, and for Honiette, adapting and adjusting to suppliers of different cultures presented a significant hurdle. However, her ability to overcome such challenges reflects her resilience and commitment to her role.

The most rewarding aspect of working with About Space, according to Honiette, lies in the company's recognition of both successes and failures. The acknowledgment and appreciation for efforts, coupled with the opportunity to learn and reflect in the face of disappointments, create a nurturing environment for personal and professional growth.

About Space Lighting Culture EventsAbout Space Lighting People and Culture Event Highlight

Reflecting on significant memories at About Space, Honiette notes that the company provided her with a second chance to work and learn. This echoes the company's commitment to continuous development and learning opportunities for its team.

When asked about what she values most at About Space, Honiette promptly responds with "Our Teamwork." The collaborative team spirit and the willingness to help create a positive and motivating work environment.

Looking toward the future, Honiette envisions About Space expanding with more showrooms. As the company has witnessed substantial growth over the past 12 months, she anticipates further development and increased visibility.

And just for a touch of light-heartedness, Honiette reveals her favourite product – the CAMBIO Collection. For her, this collection symbolises diversity, with its different colours, shapes, and types mirroring the varied talents and skills of the About Space team. It's a tangible representation of the company's commitment to embracing diversity and utilising the unique strengths of each team member to propel the company forward.

CAMBIO COLLECTION About Space Lighting
Cambio Collection Lighting Project 

In Honiette's journey with About Space, we witness a harmonious blend of personal and professional growth, a testament to About Space’s dedication to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace

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